Drug tina

Tina Drug

If you are a meth head or someone close to you takes meth, then you have probably heard of the name drug tina. It is a common slang or nickname for methamphetamine within the gay community. Other slang names are crystal meth, T, tweak, glass or meth. Pills such as captagon, yaba also contain methamphetamine. Tina is an upper which belongs to the same group as phenethylamines. MDMA, molly, speed belong to the same class.

Drug tina is a very strong chemical substance and stimulant. It has effects similar to those of speed but it is stronger than speed since it acts directly on your brain. Tina can make you feel focused, horny, euphoric, confident, alert and omnipotent. Once its effects start to fade, the user might experience depression, restlessness, irritability, and exhaustion.

You might even begin to experience insomnia.

Drug Tina mostly comes in the form of a crystalline white powder which has a bitter taste. You can also find it in pill form or as shiny crystals in various colors. The drug easily dissolves in alcohol or water. It is always safe to avoid illicit drugs. But if you decide to use, tina, it is important to know of the risks involved.

What is methamphetamine or Tina?

Meth belongs to the amphetamine family of stimulants drugs. The crystal form of this drug is very addictive and powerful. Tina comes in various forms such as powder, tablets or crystals. Depending on the form, users can snort, swallow, or inject the drug and can also be smoked.

The history of methamphetamine

The drug was first made in 1893 in a lab in Japan. For any years, people used it to treat obesity and narcolepsy and later ADHD. Soldiers also used it during the 2nd world way to help them stay energized, alert and suppress their need for sleep and food. In fact, even Hitler was a fan of the drug.

Meth became popular in Netherlands towards the 70s. Vendors would sell it as pervitin and users mostly shot it. The drug is illegal in most nations and if caught in its position or selling or buying

you risk going to jail or a hefty fine. Since 2010, reports suggest that the use of Tina keeps rising in certain areas of the gay community. Its popularity has also been rising in Paris, Berlin, London, Lisbon and Cologne.

What does Tina drug do?

It gives user a powerful, intense high followed by a very serious comedown. The feelings include feeling very high, alert, exhilarated and awake. Meth can also make you feel confused, paranoia, agitated and aggressive. The drug produces a long lasting and very intense high that leads to a period of 4-12 hours where the user cannot do anything and is not in control.

What are the risks of taking Tina drug?

The drug is very addictive.

It raises blood pressure and heart rate which increases the risk of heart attack. The higher the

amount of the drug taken, the more the effects. Users are likely to experience an increase in sex drive and lowered inhibitions which can lead in indulging in risky activities that someone would not normally do such as engaging in unsafe sex.

Reports also suggest that meth can cause serious psychosis. Psychosis is a severe mental state where someone becomes out of touch with reality and might start believing things that are not true. Another risk is that of overdosing on meth. If you overdose, it can lead to stroke as well as kidney, lung and gastrointestinal damage. In some cases, death can occur as a result of an overdose. There are some reports that suggest that long term use of the drug can cause a brain


Common questions about Tina drug

What is the legal status of Tina drug?

Tina or meth belongs to a class of drugs known as Schedule 1 drugs meaning it’s illegal to possess, sell or buy. It is illegal for you to be in possession of the drug and you risk long jail terms and a hefty fine. Supplying the drugs to even friends can get you a life imprisonment.

How can you use the drug safely?

You should avoid taking it with other substances especially other stimulants or alcohol. Avoid injecting the drug to reduce the risk of severe damage and infections. You should also avoid sharing equipment used to take this drug.

How much does Tina drug cost?

Prices vary from one vendor to another. Generally, meth is not very costly considering how potent it is.


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